Using quantitative data along with the professional insights and experiences of our writers to help showrunners, executives, and DEIA departments sharpen and deepen their efforts toward more inclusive writers rooms and productions.

TTIE provides consulting services for those looking to make the TV industry a more inclusive, authentic, equitable, and accountable space. Offerings Include:

  • Group Trainings & Briefings where we curate and share key information and action items in engaging, efficient, and interactive ways for various industry audiences.

    • Topics: Behind the Scenes Report Data and Insights Sharing; Building and Running Inclusive and Engaged Writers Rooms; Navigating Staffing Meetings and Writers Rooms as Historically Excluded Writers.

  • Coaching and Consulting: Private small group and 1-on-1 sessions for showrunners, upper-level writers, and executives expanding on the lessons from our trainings/briefings.

  • Custom-designed sessions to support participants and provide tools necessary to apply best practices in writers rooms, executive suites, and/or throughout your company. A Partial List of Topics and Elements:

    • Ask Us Anything: We design teams around specific EDI or authentic storytelling needs.

    • Program Design: We share insight and expertise as you plan and develop mentoring, pipeline, and other programs.

    • Problem-Solving: We uncover why things aren’t working and present targeted solutions.



If you are being pulled into inclusion meetings and asked to make recommendations for change, don’t feel backed into a corner. Lean on us. Use our report and reach out to us for support and/or to answer any questions you may have. 


If you wish to effect a culture shift within your company and/or writers rooms, TTIE stands ready to help. We would love to begin a dialogue with you to discuss data-based, actionable solutions to produce a more inclusive and equitable environment for your employees.


If you are committed to inclusion and authentic storytelling on your show, TTIE can help you reach that goal. If you are nervous about how to give notes to historically excluded writers or wondering how you can make your characters more authentic, you don’t have to navigate that by yourself. Set up a consultation or a coaching session and ask us anything in a judgment-free zone.